Εργαστήριο Γενικής και Γεωργικής Υδραυλικής και Βελτιώσεων
Τομέας Εγγείων Βελτιώσεων Εδαφολογίας και Γεωργικής Μηχανικής
Τμήμα Γεωπονίας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, 54124
Tel: +30 2310 998735 FAX: +30 2310 998767
Email: partheni@agro.auh.gr |
- Doctor’s degree in Finite Difference and Finite Element Mathematical Models for Flood Wave Propagation in Open Channels (1984)
- Master’s degree in Hydraulics and Land Reclamation (1976)
- Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture (1972)
All the above degrees have been received from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Position in Dept. of Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agr. Engineering, Aristotle University :
- Professor since August 1998
- Associate Professor from February 1995 to August 1998
- Assistant Professor from March 1989 to February 1995
- Lecturer from December 1984 to March 1989
- Research and Teaching Assistant from October 1973 to December 1984
Undergraduate Courses
- Hydraulics I – Closed Conduit Flow (Steady Flow)
- Hydraulics II – Open Channel Flow (Steady Flow)
- Applied Mathematics II (Multivariable derivatives, Fourier Series, Partial Differential Equations)
- General and Agricultural Hydraulics
- Differential Equations
Postgraduate Courses
- Unsteady Flow in Open Channels (Computational Schemes)
- Advanced Applied Mathematics I (Differential Equations)
- Steady and Unsteady Flow in Open channels (Finite Difference and Finite Element Models for Free Surface Flow, Finite Element Model for Dispersion of Pollutants in Open Channels)
- Flood Protection
- Agricultural Hydraulics
- Closed Conduits Flow
- Water Resources Management
- Development and Calibration of a Mathematical Model for the Pieria Aquifer”
Scientific Responsible: G. Terzidis and C. Babajimopoulos
(Responsible for streamflow measurements from 1985 to 1987) - “Investigation on Water Balance Determination for Watersheds in Northern Greece ”: Scientific Responsible: G. Terzidis
(Responsible for streamflow measurements from 1991 to 1996, rating curves for surface run-off estimation, flood hydrographs) - “Water Resources Management of the Olynthios (Chalkidiki) Cathcment”.
Scientific Responsible: D. Karamouzis
Responsible for:
- Design of overflow spillway and stilling basin (Simantra stream)
- Flood protection of M. Panagia village
- Flood protection of Olympiada village
- NETWET 2: WATERNET TELEMATIC PLATFORM “Networking Perspectives of Transnational Co-operation and Participatory Planning for Integrated Water Resources Management through the promotion of new forms of Spatial Governance” (Interreg III B / CADSES, 2003-2006)
Scientific Responsible for Actions 2.1 and 2.3
(Act. 2.1: Pilot study and proposal for the protection of flood risk areas
Act. 2.3: Sustainable best practices for good land uses of agricultural flood risk areas) - NETWET 3: New Forms of Territorial Governance for the Promotion of Landscape Policies in the Field of Water Resources Management at Water Territories . (Interreg III B / ArchiMed, 2006-2007)
Scientific Responsible for 14 Actions (concerning sustainable best practices relating to the combat of floods with full respect to the Mediterranean rural landscapes, as well as guidelines and best agricultural practices aiming at the confrontation of the negative environmental impacts at the terrestrial and aquatic resources and the conservation of the Mediterranean rural landscapes)
- Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association
Vice President: Dec. 2001 – Oct. 2004
Secretariat: 1996 - 2001 - Member of the Editorial/Scientific Committee of ‘HYDROTECHNIKA’ Journal
1993 – Now - Member of the Board of Axios-Loudias-Aliakmon Estuaries Management Authority (June 2003 – December 2006)
- Reviewer of Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE
- Reviewer of Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
- European Water Resources Association (EWRA, former ECOWARM)
- European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng)
- Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers (HelAgEng)
(Member of the Board: 1998 - 2000) - Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
- Terzidis G. and Anastasiadou E., 1973. "Numerical Solution of the Steady Nonuniform Flow Equation in Open Channels", TECHNIKA CHRONIKA, vol. 12, December, pp. 1069-1076 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou E., 1976. "Unsteady Flow Upstream of a Constriction in Open Channel", M.Sc. thesis, Postgraduate Specialization: Hydraulics and Land Reclamation, School of Agriculture, May, Thessaloniki , Greece , pp. 75 (in Greek).
- Terzidis G. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1977, "Unsteady Flow in an Open Channel with Constriction", GEOTECHNIKA, vol. 3-4, October, pp. 1-13 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Terzidis G., 1980, "Flood Waves Upstream of a Constriction in Open Channel", Proceedings of the II Panhellenic Seminar in Hydrology, vol. ΙΙ, February, pp. 339-356 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1984, "Finite Difference and Finite Element Mathematical Models for Flood Waves in Open Channels", Doctoral thesis, School of Agriculture , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 233 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Terzidis G., 1985, "Finite Element Mathematical Models for Flood Wave Propagation in Axios River ", HYDROTECHNIKA, vol. 2, September, pp. 63-72 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou L. and Terzidis G.A., 1988. "A Dissipative Finite Element Model for Discontinuous Unsteady Flow in Open Channel", JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, vol. 13, nos. 3-4, pp. 157-168.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou L. and Terzidis G.A., 1988. "A Dissipative Finite Element Model for Free Surface Flow", JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, Vol. 104, pp. 289-299.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1990. "Finite Element Model for Dispersion of Pollutants in Open Channels", HYDROTECHNIKA, vol. 4, March, pp. 615-626 (in Greek).
- Terzidis G. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou L., 1990. Discussion of "Flow Measurements with Trapezoidal Free Overfall" by Keller R.J. and Fong S.S.. JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING, A.S.C.E., Vol. 116, No. 6, November/December, pp. 860-862.
- Terzidis G.A. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou L., 1991. "Trapezoidal Free Overfall as Flow Measuring Device", ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY (Editor G. Tsakiris), Published for ECOWARM, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam , pp. 35-41.
- Abas Athanasios, Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Teloglou I. , 1991. "Program for Computation of Steady Nonuniform Flow Profile in Open Channels", GEOTECHNIKA, vol. 3, pp. 5-17 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1992. "Mathematical Models for Flood Prediction", Proceeding of Symposium FLOODS AND DROUGHTS, Thessaloniki , March, pp. 255-262 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1992. "Measurements of Surface Runoff", in INVESTIGATION ON WATER BALANCE DETERMINATION FOR WATERSHEDS IN NORTHERN GREECE, 1st Annual Report, Lab. of General and Agricultural Hydraulics and Land Reclamation, Thessaloniki, March, pp. 1-20 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou L., 1992. "Finite Element Model for Dispersion of Pollutants in Open Channels", HYDROCOMP '92, (Editors: J. Gayer, Ο. Starosolszky and C. Maksimovic), Vituki, Budapest , pp. 315-322.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1993. "Measurements of Surface Runoff", in INVESTIGATION ON WATER BALANCE DETERMINATION FOR WATERSHEDS IN NORTHERN GREECE, 2nd Annual Report, Lab. of General and Agricultural Hydraulics and Land Reclamation, Thessaloniki, May, pp. 1-148 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Hatzigiannakis E., 1993. "General End Depth Ratio for Trapezoidal Free Overfall", HYDROTECHNIKA, vol. 3, no. 1, Thessaloniki , December, pp. 25-40 (in Greek).
- Morris M.W. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou L., 1994. “Literature Review and Preliminary Assessment”- CALIBRATION CRITERIA FOR 1D RIVER MODELS, Report SR 391, HR Wallingford, May, pp. 76.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Kotsopoulos S., 1994. "Measurements of Surface Runoff", in INVESTIGATION ON WATER BALANCE DETERMINATION FOR WATERSHEDS IN NORTHERN GREECE, 3rd Annual Report, Lab. of General and Agricultural Hydraulics and Land Reclamation, Thessaloniki, May, pp. 3-12 ( in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Hatzigiannakis E., 1994. "Results and Process of Stream Flow Measurements (Evaluation of Stage-Discharge Rating Curves)", in INVESTIGATION ON WATER BALANCE DETERMINATION FOR WATERSHEDS IN NORTHERN GREECE, 3rd Annual Report, Lab. of General and Agricultural Hydraulics and Land Reclamation, Thessaloniki, May, pp. 13-29 and 40-106 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., Hatzigiannakis E. and Arabatzis G., 1994. "Flood Events", in INVESTIGATION ON WATER BALANCE DETERMINATION FOR WATERSHEDS IN NORTHERN GREECE, 3rd Annual Report, Lab. of General and Agricultural Hydraulics and Land Reclamation, Thessaloniki , May, pp. 30-39 (in Greek).
- Terzidis G. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1994. “Surface and Groundwater Mathematical Models for Axios River Basin ”. Two days Meeting: AXIOS RIVER – PROBLEMS, CAPABILITIES, PERSPECTIVES. Chalastra , Greece , September, p.12.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., Hatzigiannakis E. and Terzidis G., 1995. “Prediction of Flood Flow Rates and Flood Wave Propagation in Pinios River ”. Proceeding of the 2nd National Conference of the Hellenic Committee for Water Resources Management: INTEGRATED INTERVENTIONS FOR RESTRICTION OF FLOOD RISK, Athens , January, pp. 65-70 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou L. and Hatzigiannakis E., 1995. "General End Depth - Discharge Relationship at Free Overfall in Trapezoidal Channel". JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING, A.S.C.E., Vol. 121, No 2, March / April, pp. 143-151.
- This paper selected by ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), United Nations and republished to «WATER RESOURCES JOURNAL», December 1996, pp. 29-37).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., Terzidis G. and Hatzigiannakis E., 1995. “Discharge Estimation in Almopeos River ”. Proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association, Thessaloniki , May, pp.254-261 (in Greek).
- Lavedrine I.A. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou L., 1995. “Assessment of Objective Functions and Automatic Calibration”. CALIBRATION CRITERIA FOR 1D RIVER MODELS, Report SR 442, September, HR Wallingford, pp.110.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 1995. “Pollutants Dispersion in Strimon River ”. Proceedings of the Greek-Bulgarian Conference: STRIMON RIVER WATERSHED AND KERKINI LAKE , Serres, November-December, pp. 10 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Hatzigiannakis E., 1996. “Unsteady Flow in Trapezoidal Open Channel Ending at a Free Overfall”. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Geotechnical Chamber: LAND RECLAMATION WORKS – WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT – FARM MECHANIZATION, Larissa, April, pp. 805-819 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou L., 1996. “Finite Element Model for Dispersion of Pollutants in Strimon River ”. Proceedings of the International Conference PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT III, August, Chania, pp. 109-116.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Hatzigiannakis E., 1997. “Free Overfall in Channel with Triangular Section (Discharge Measurements – Flow Profiles)”. Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association, Patra, October, pp. 226-233 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., Ampas B. and Zisssis Th., 1997. “Automatic Calibration of an Open Channel Model with Implicit Computational Scheme”. Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association, Patra, October, pp. 301-309 (in Greek).
- Hatzigiannakis E., Anastasiadou-Partheniou L. and Terzidis G., 1998. “Trapezoidal Free Overfall (Simplified Equation for Discharge Predictions)”. International Conference PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IV. Halkidiki, Makedonia , Greece , July 1998, Proceedings, vol. 1, pp. 181-188.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou L. and Samuels P.G., 1998. “Automatic Calibration of Computational River Models”. Proc. Instn. Civ. Engs, 130, Sept., pp.154-162.
- Terzidis G., Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Hatzigiannakis E., 1998. “Simple Method for Discharge Predictions in Trapezoidal Free Overfalls”. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers (HelAgEng), Athens , December, pp. 247-258 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., Terzidis G. and Hatzigiannakis E., 2000. “Stage-Discharge Rating Curves for Flow Rate Estimation in Almopeos River ”. Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association, Athens , April, pp.327-334 (in Greek).
- Hatzigiannakis E. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2000. “Nondimensional Diagrams for Flow Rate Estimation in a Parabolic Open Channel Ending at a Free Overfall”. Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers (HelAgEng), September, Volos , pp. 62-76 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou L., Ampas B. and Zissis T., 2001. “Friction Parameter Identification of an Implicit Computational Scheme for One-Dimensional Open Channel Flow”. Geophysical Research Abstracts 2001, volume 3. Proceedings of the International Conference: 26th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, 25-30 March, Nice, France .
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., Hatzigiannakis E.G. and Chatzispyroglou J., 2002. “End-Depth Ratio (EDR) for a Circular Free Overfall”. Proceedings of International Conference PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT VI, July, Skiathos, pp. 295-302.
- Tzimopoulos C., Pilidis G. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2003. “Dam Break and Flow of the Outflow Hydrograph Downstream”. Proceedings of the 9th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association, Thessaloniki , April, pp. 301-308 (in Greek).
- Hatzigiannakis E.G., Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Karamouzis D.N., 2005. “Discharge Measurements in Kokkinolakkas Torrent (Chalkidiki) with Free Overfall of Compound Section”. Proceedings of the 5th National Conference of the Greek Committee for Water Resources Management, Xanthi, April, pp. 223-229 (in Greek)..
- Ilias A., Hatzispiroglou J., Baltas E. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2005. “Application of the NAM Model to the Ali-Efenti Basin ”. Wessex Institute of Technology Conference: RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT, September, Bologna Italy .
- Chatzispiroglou I. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2005. “Hydrodynamic Model for Border Irrigation – Advance Phase”. Proceedings of the 4th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers (HelAgEng), Athens , October, pp. 721-730 (in Greek).
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., Hatzigiannakis E. and Terzidis G., 2006. Discussion of “End Depth – Discharge Relation at Free Overfall of Trapezoidal Channels” by A. S. Ramamurthy, Chao Zhai and Junying Qu. JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING, A.S.C.E., Vol. 132, No 3, May/June, pp. 306-307.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2006. “Pilot Study for the Protection of a Flood Risk Area in the Territory of Thessaly Region ( Greece )”. In “Development of Methodologies for the Protection of Flood Risk Areas”, Final Report of the 3rd Work Package of the project: NetWet 2 – TELEMATIC PLATFORM “Networking Perspectives of Transnational Co-operation and Participatory Planning for Integrated Water Resources Management through the Promotion of New Forms of Spatial Covernance”, Interreg III B / CADSES. Thessaloniki , 110 p.
- Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2006. “Sustainable Best Practices for Good Land Uses in Agricultural Flood Risk Areas (Good Agricultural Practices Guidelines)”. In “Development of Methodologies for the Protection of Flood Risk Areas”, Final Report of the 3rd Work Package of the project: NetWet 2 – TELEMATIC PLATFORM “Networking Perspectives of Transnational Co-operation and Participatory Planning for Integrated Water Resources Management through the Promotion of New Forms of Spatial Covernance”, Interreg III B / CADSES. Thessaloniki , 34 p.
- Chatzispiroglou I. , Pantelakis D., Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Zissis T., 2006. “Flood Wave Propagation Modeling for Pinios River ”. Proceedings of the International Conference PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT VIII, July, Chania, pp. 129-130, CD: TOPIC 3, PO63.
- Chatzispiroglou I. , Anastasiadou-Partheniou E. and Zissis T., 2006. “Effect of Pinios Riverbed Parameters to Flood Wave Propagation”. Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING (ICCMSE 2007), 27 October – 1 November, Chania. In: LECTURE SERIES ON COMPUTER AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES, “Recent Progress in Computational Sciences and Engineering”, Vol. 7A, pp. 743-747.
- Hatzigiannakis E. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2006. “Finite Difference Model for Simulation of Flood Wave Propagation in a Pinios River Section”. Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING (ICCMSE 2007), 27 October – 1 November, Chania. In: LECTURE SERIES ON COMPUTER AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES, “Recent Progress in Computational Sciences and Engineering”, Vol. 7A, pp. 701-704.
- Pantelakis D. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2006. “Mathematical Model for Flood Wave Propagation in Pinios River ”. Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association: WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT – CONTEMPORARY TRENDS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES, December, Xanthi , Greece , Volume B, pp. 911-918 (in Greek).
- Banti M., Zissis Th. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2006. “Numerical Simulation of Surface-Subsurface Flow Interaction during Border Irrigation”. Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association: WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT – CONTEMPORARY TRENDS, PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES, December, Xanthi , Greece , Volume A, pp. 475-482 (in Greek).
- Banti M., Zissis Th. and Anastasiadou-Partheniou E., 2007. “Numerical Simulation of Surface-Subsurface Flow Interaction during Border Irrigation”. EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION, GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15- 20 April , vol. 9, 07018.